
Moonlight Jasmine Agarbatti

Jasmine is a popular stress alleviator for many. Perfect for pujas, aromatherapy and meditation, Jasmine incense sticks have been popular since ancient times. The aroma will not only make you feel the divine connection, but also root you into humbling surroundings. Let the aroma of jasmine fill the air around you with positive energy so that you can always start your day with the best feeling.

  • Quantity: 20 sticks
  • Fragrance: Jasmine
  • Dimensions: 29 cm X 6.5 cm X 2.5 cm
  • Packaging type: Box

Jasmine is a popular stress alleviator for many. Perfect for pujas, aromatherapy and meditation, Jasmine incense sticks have been popular since ancient times. The aroma will not only make you feel the divine connection, but also root you into humbling surroundings. Let the aroma of jasmine fill the air around you with positive energy so that you can always start your day with the best feeling.

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