
Meadow Lavender Agarbatti

Feel the calm of meadows fragrant with blossoming lavender as soon as you light this Agarbatti. Lavender is famous for its earthy aroma and relaxing scent. Experience the harmony and balance that lavender brings, changing mundane surroundings to elevated state of tranquility. Perfect for creating a peaceful ambiance, these incense sticks are ideal for meditation, relaxation or unwinding after a long day.

  • Quantity: 20 sticks
  • Fragrance: Lavender
  • Dimensions: 29 cm X 6.5 cm X 2.5 cm
  • Packaging type: Box

Each pack of 20 incense sticks contains the aroma of lavender. To enjoy the aroma of the individual agarbatti, hold a lit match over its tip until a flame emerges. Put out the flame and place it over a stand.

White Lewis

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White Lewis

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